are you getting enough light during the day

Are you getting enough light during the day?

Your body needs to absorb natural light during the day for adequate serotonin production. Daylight’s full spectrum light and blue light frequencies stimulate receptors in the periphery of the eyes affecting your mood positively through hormone changes.

Daylight triggers a drop in melatonin (the hormone that makes you sleepy) and gives you a surge of serotonin (the hormone that makes you alert and awake). Getting early morning light will set your biological clock and actually help you sleep better at night.

Here are some natural ways for your body to capture the energy of the morning sun. Give these a try!

  • Open your curtains or blinds first thing in the morning.
  • Take a walk, walk your dog, walk to the next bus stop.
  • Exercise during the day, outside if possible, ideally in the morning.
  • Listen to this energizing MP3 at night as you’re going to sleep, and you’ll wake up refreshed.
  • If you can’t be in the sun in the morning, bright light at midday can help set your biological clock.

This is an excerpt from the book, Sleep Secrets. Buy your copy now for more great sleep tips!

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