Electronic Screens at Night

At night, the distance you are from your screen matters. At 6 inches away, you will get 4 times more light than at 12 inches; and 16 times more than at 24 inches. The further you are away, the better. Double the distance away equals one quarter the brightness...

Light and Your Circadian Rhythms

Circadian rhythms are a sleep-wake cycle made up of all the internal biological activity you have in a 24-hour period, including these: physical, mental and behavioural changes variations in the environment waking and sleeping The major variation in your circadian...

Do You Need a Nap?

A short nap can refresh you as it slows your brainwaves. When you get up from your nap, get as much high-intensity light (ideally sunlight) as soon as you can. Then do a quick exercise or take a short walk to restore your alertness. Take a 20-minute nap if you plan to...