When Is the Best Time To Go To Sleep?

When Is the Best Time To Go To Sleep?

Growth hormones stimulate growth, cell reproduction and regeneration in humans and animals. This suggests that the most sensible time to go to sleep is between 10 and 12 p.m., when most growth hormones are released during sleep.

That bedtime could pose a problem for some of us, but the closer you get to 10 or earlier the closer you are to following your natural circadian rhythms and cycles and the healthier you will be. Perhaps the old saying is right: “Two hours of sleep before midnight is worth four after.”

This was hard for me, as I was a night owl for decades. But I found that the earlier I went to bed the easier it was to fall asleep!

So give it a try and see if it works for you. The book delves way deeper into these issues. Subscribe to our list for a complimentary chapter.

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