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As the fall equinox approaches, the reduction of sunlight can affect how you feel. Some people feel slightly moody or stressed, while others feel overwhelmed and depressed. Those feelings and the decrease of serotonin can cause problems sleeping.

At this time of year, make sure you get enough light early in the day, either by outside sunlight or inside with a light therapy device.

If you rise before the sun in the winter months or suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), make sure your bedroom has a strong wake-up light to mimic sunrise.

If you travel to sunny spots during late fall and winter, be sure to anticipate a change in your mood and sleep patterns when you return home. Ease the transition with morning light or a light therapy device.

People who suffer from bipolar symptoms find that light therapy can be a big help in the fall and winter. In the spring, when the increase in light is so dramatic, wearing blu-blocker sunglasses will decrease the amount of blue light and thus take the edge off the hyper phase.

This is an excerpt from the book, Sleep Secrets. Get your copy now for more great tips on getting a good night’s sleep.


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