What is the Best Sleep Position?

What is the Best Sleep Position?

The position you sleep in can hold the key to falling asleep, staying asleep and having a restful sleep.

Let’s start by eliminating the worst sleep position, sleeping on your back. Then we’ll move on to what many consider the best position, sleeping on your left side.

Back or supine position: Russian sleep researchers have studied the best and worst positions and have found the supine position is by far the worst.

If you have difficulty not sleeping on your back, read these tips by Russian sleep expert Dr. Artour Rakhimov to keep you from rolling onto your back, which include the following:

  • Prop yourself from the sides with pillows.
  • Sew a pocket on the back of your nightshirt and put a tennis ball in it.
  • Cut a strip of cotton fabric about two yards long and a foot wide, wrap it around your chest, tie two knots in the front and move them around to your back. A simple scarf can be also used.

Stomach or prone position: Sleep expert Dr. Rakhimov claims that the most beneficial positions for a healthful sleep are sleeping in the prone position (stomach) or on your left side. Read more of Rakhimov’s advice for best sleeping positions.

Left side: For many people, this may be an ideal sleeping position, especially if you have digestive problems. Left side sleeping decreases snoring. It can also decrease acid reflux by positioning your stomach lower than your esophagus, which prevents stomach acids from draining into your esophagus.

This is an excerpt from the book, Sleep Secrets. To learn more about sleep positions, get your copy of the book Sleep Secrets.

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